• Chapter 3 - Setting up your first AWS Connect Cloud Contact Center
    • Chapter 4 - Overview and Configuration of Amazon AWS Contact Flow
    • Chapter 5 - Creating Flow Module to Manage Contact Flow
    • Chapter 6 - Managing Prompts in Amazon AWS Connect with Poly, S3 and SSML
    • Chapter 7 - Managing Transfer in Amazon AWS Connect
    • Chapter 8 - Overview of Amazon AWS Connect Rule
    • Chapter 9 - Basic Overview of Amazon Lex
    • Chapter x10 - Creating Amazon Connect Customer Profile
    • Chapter x11 - AWS Connect Queues and Routing Profiles Lab
    • Chapter x12 - Building ChatBot using Amazon Lex For Connect
    • Chapter x13 - Creating AWS Connect Contact Flow with Lex Bot
    • Chapter x14 - Creating CloudWatch Logs for Amazon Lex Bot activity
    • Chapter x15 - Integrating Amazon Connect with DynamoDB and Lambda
    • Chapter x16 - Amazon Connect Lambda Integration - Pull Records from Database
    • Chapter x17 - Amazon Connect Store Customer Input and Authenticate Client
    • Chapter x18 - How to use Check and Set Contact Attributes with Lambda Functions
    • Chapter x19 - Creating Contact Flow with Routing Priority and age time
    • Chapter x20 - Managing Agent Status and Security Profile
    • Chapter x21 - Creating Amazon Connect Flow for Call Recording
    • Day 1 Lab Guide - Amazon Connect contact Center
    • Day 2 - Lab Guide - Amazon Connect contact Center
    • Day 3 - Lab Guide - Amazon Connect Chat
    • ACWS_UniBot-Version-1-LexJson.zip
    • amazon-connect-workshop-stack.yml
    • Day 4 - Salesforce CTI Adapter integration with Amazon Connect Lab
    • Amazon Connect Tasks Lab
    • Certificate of Completion
    • Amazon Connect Fundamental