Cisco UCCE Training Video​ (2024-07)

Cisco UCCE Training Video​ (2024-07)

Master Cisco UCCE and PCCE with our concise Video Training. Perfect for both beginners and experts, this program delivers key skills to deploy, manage, and optimize Cisco contact center solutions. Learn call routing, scripting, agent management, and more, and become proficient in UCCE and PCCE quickly and effectively. Your path to contact center mastery starts here

Regular Price - $1,299 USD

1899.0 USD 1,899.00
Responsible Faisal H. Khan (CEO)
Last Update 02/09/2024
Completion Time 1 day 18 hours 29 minutes
Members 24
Platinum-X 2024
  • Cisco UCCE Deployment
    26Lessons · 6 hr 33 min
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    • Chapter 06 - Preparing and Installing Cisco UCCE Software
    • Chapter 07 - Organizational Units in Active Directory and Web Setup
    • Chapter 08 - Unified CCE Central Controller – Logger
    • Chapter 09 - Unified CCE Central Controller – Router
    • Chapter 10 - Agent Desk Settings and VRU Type
    • Chapter 11 - Peripheral Gateway PG and CTI Server
    • Chapter 12 - Routing Client
    • Chapter 13 - Skill Target Sub System
    • Chapter 14 - UCCE Call Flow with CVP
    • Chapter 15 - Call Routing Post Route from CUCM Call Flow using UCCX
    • Chapter 16 - Scripts Editor and Basic Scripting
    • Chapter 16 - Scripts Editor and Basic Scripting
    • Chapter 17 - Basic Administrative Scripts
    • Chapter 18 - Basic Scripting with Call Variables
    • Chapter 19 - Overview of Cisco Unified CVP
    • Chapter 20 - Configuring VXML Gateway for UCCE and CVP
    • Chapter 21 - Creating Network VRU Scripts and CVP Microapp
    • Chapter 22 - Creating UCCE Scripts with CVP
    • Chapter 23 - Installation and Configurations of Cisco Finesse 11.5
    • Chapter 24 - Overview and Installation of Cisco Unified Intelligent Center with Live Data 11.5
    • Chapter 25 - Configuration of Cisco CUIC Reporting 11.5
  • Cisco UCCE/PCCE Advanced Deployment
    25Lessons · 6 hr 18 min
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    • 6. Integrating Package UCCE with CUCM with Trunk to CVP
    • 7. Deploying and Customized CVP and VVB Settings for PCCE
    • 8. Setting up Network VRU and ECC Variables
    • 9. CVP Routing Client - Routing Calls via CVP to PCCE
    • 10. Creating Agent and Supervisor with Skills Group
    • 11 - Managing Agent and parameters in Cisco Unified PCCE 12
    • 12. Managing Supervisor and Its parameters in Cisco Unified PCCE
    • 13. Bulk Import - Understanding Agent Create and Update
    • 14. Built Import Understanding Dialed Number Content File
    • 15. Bulk Import - Understanding Call Type Content File Template
    • 16. Managing and Configuring Teams with resources in Package UCCE
    • 17. Managing and Creating Skills Group in Package UCCE
    • 18. Managing Attributes for Agent for Precision Routing
    • 19. Creating Precision Queue and Mapping Attributes
    • 20. Creating and Managing Department and Relationship with Global Objects
    • 21. Call Routing Setting Part 1 - Media Routing Domain and Dial Number
    • 22. Call Routing Setting Part 2 - Understanding Route Pattern and Locations
    • 23. Call Routing Setting Part 3 - Call Type and ECC Variables
    • 24. Call Routing Setting Part 4 - Understanding and Configuring IVR Settings
    • Chapter 22 - Creating your own local Decision Element using Java API with Parame
  • Cisco UCCE/PCCE Administration & Troubleshooting
    37Lessons · 5 hr 36 min
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    • 4 – Preparing and Configuration Services and Skills Groups
    • 5 - Creating Agent, Supervisor and Team Lists
    • 6 – Configure PG for IP IVR (UCCX)
    • 7 – Creating Network Trunk and Trunk Group for IP IVR
    • 8 - Configuring PG For Cisco Unified CM
    • 9 – Defining Agent Target Rule and Device Target
    • 10 - Defining Enterprise Skills Group to Route calls to agent from Multiple CM Clusters
    • 11 – Setting Limit on Number of Skills group per agent
    • 12 – Creating Precision Queues – Attributes and Assign it to Agent
    • 13 – Creating Precision Queues and Rules to select Agent
    • 14 – Creating SCRIPT for Precision Queue and Testing calls
    • 15 - Modifying Agent Target Rule for CVP Routing Client
    • 16 - Configuring CVP To Work with VXML Gateway and UCCE Server
    • 18 - Creating ECC Variable For UCCE Scripts to support CVP Call
    • 19 - Creating Network VRU Scripts
    • 20 - Developing a basic call center script for UCCE with CVP
    • 21 - Schedule and Test Cisco UCCE Script with Agent Online
    • 22 - Configure Network VRU with Label
    • 23 - Configuring Redundant Finesse Server
    • 24 - Configuring Finesse with Varieable, Phone Book, Reason Code and Team
    • 26 - Routing Calls to Multiple Skills Group From Different CUCM Cluster using Enterprise Skills Group Node
    • 27 - Integrating CUIC Reporting Server with UCCE and LDAP User
    • 28 - Configuring Cisco CUIC Reporting For Cisco UCCE Real Time and Historial Database
    • 29 – Outbound Dialer (SCCP)– Preparing Logger for Outbound dialer
    • 30 – Outbound Dialer – Configuring PG for CUCM Agent Cluster
    • 31 – Outbound Dialer – Configuring Dialer Component in ICM
    • 32 – Outbound dialer – Network VRU and Media Routing PG
    • 33 – Outbound dialer – Creating Skills Group and Dial Number
    • 34 – Outbound dialer – Ensure Time and ECC Variable Configured
    • 35 – Outbound Dialer – Ensure LoggerA outbound dialer is enable
    • 36 – Outbound Dialer – Dialer Component on PG
    • 37 – Outbound Dialer – Modify The Media Routing with Dialer
    • 38 – Outbound Dialer – Verification of Outbound Component
    • 39 – Outbound Dialer – Modify Local Static Route Files
  • Cisco UCCE/PCCE Advanced Scripting
    21Lessons · 4 hr 40 min
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    • 4 - Selecting Routing Targets
    • 5 - Network VRUs
    • 6 - Variable and Formula
    • 7 - UCCE Scripting with Call Variables
    • 8 - Scripting with External Database
    • 9 - UCCE Basic Administrative Scripts
    • 10 - Creating Basic UCCE Scripts
    • 11 - Comment and Monitoring UCCE Scripts
    • 12 – Routing calls to different scripts based on Call Type and Prefix Match
    • 13 – Routing Call Based on CLID and Dialed Number
    • 14 - Requalify Call Type - Routing calls to another scripts
    • 15 – Use GotoScript to route calls to different scripts
    • 16 – Creating Time of Day Routing
    • 17 – Distribute call load using Percentage Allocation
    • 18 – Routing Calls using Skills Group using LAA Method
    • 19 – Routing calls to Services using Service Node
    • 20 - Cisco UCCE Adv Scripting Lab 14
    • 21 - Cisco UCCE Adv Scripting Lab 13
  • Cisco UCCE/PCCE Troubleshooting
    25Lessons · 4 hr 19 min
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    • Lab 4 - Using RTTEST command to troubleshoot UCCE Platform
    • Lab 5 - How to use Dumplog to analyst Logs
    • Lab 6 - Using OPCTest Command to See PG Status
    • Lab 7 - Using OPCTest To List Calls and Identify particular calls
    • Lab 8 - Using OPCTest Utility to gather Agent Statistic
    • Lab 9 Troubleshooting Cisco UCCE Call Flow
    • Lab 10 - Learn To Isolate Switch Leg Issues for UCCE and CVP
    • Lab 11 - Learn To Isolate VRU Leg for UCCE and CVP
    • Lab 12 - Learn How To Isolate Subsequent Warm Transfer Fault
    • Lab 13 - Utility - How to run EMSMON Uility
    • Lab 14 - Troubleshooting Shutdown Error for Router
    • Lab 15 - Learn to Troubleshoot Finnese Out Of Service Issue
    • Lab 16 - How to Set Trace Settings and Log Collection
    • Lab 17 - How To Set Trace and Log Collections on Cisco Finesse
    • Lab 18 - Setup Trace Settings and Log Collection on CVP
    • Lab 19 - Setting Trace and Logs Collection for Virtualized Voice Browser
    • Lab 20 - Utility – Troubleshooting using EMSMON Agent PG Not Active
    • Lab 21 - Troubleshoting UCCE - Client gets fast busy when dialed DN
    • Lab 22 - Troubleshoot UCCE Call - Gateway Not Found - Customer calls are failing every now
    • Lab 23 - Call Fails with Error Message Not Found, GW Call using SURV TCL Flag
    • Lab 24 - Troubleshooting Calls – Agent Reserve But Call Is Not Connected
    • Lab 25 - The device associated with that extension or dial number invalid - Part 1
  • Cisco CVP Deployment
    10Lessons · 2 hr 20 min
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    • Chapter 3 Overview of Cisco Unified CVP Non-Native Component
    • Chapter 4 Installation and Configuration
    • Chapter 5 Getting Started Using Operation Console
    • Chapter 6 Functional Deployment
    • Chapter 7 Deployment Model - CVP VXML Standalone
    • Chapter 8 Deployment Model - Call Director
    • Chapter 9 Deployment Model - VRU Model
    • Chapter 10 Deployment Model - Comprehensive Model
  • Cisco CVP Call Studio Scripting
    26Lessons · 9 hr 3 min
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    • Chapter 4.0 - Integrating Cisco Unified ICM Scripts with Cisco CVP Call Studio Scripts
    • Chapter 5.0 - My First Integrated Service Application
    • Chapter 6.0 - Subdialog Element
    • Chapter 7.0 - Audio Element and its settings
    • Chapter 8.0 - Decision Element and Its settings
    • Chapter 9.0 - Creating basic Text To Speech Scripts with TTS Server
    • Chapter 10 - Creating Menu Driven Application with TTS and Audio Files
    • Chapter 11 - Overview of Number Capture Element
    • Chapter 12 - Overview of Record Element and Configurations
    • Chapter 13 - Overview Database Element and Its Configurations
    • Chapter 14 - Overview of Call Studio - Session API
    • Chapter 15 - Cisco CVP Java Class - Call Start Action and Call End Action
    • Chapter 16 - Creating CVP Scripts with a Java Class Standard Action and Decission Element
    • Chapter 17 - Creating Cisco CVP Call Studio Script with Mathmatical Expression
    • Chapter 18 - Create a Standard Action Element using Java API
    • Chapter 19 - Creating a Decission Action Element using Java API
    • Chapter 20 - Creating your own local Action Element using Java API with Customized Parameter
    • Chapter 21 - Creating your own local Decision Element using Java API with Customized Parameter
    • Chapter 22 - Creating your own local Decision Element using Java API with Parame
    • Chapter 23 - How to manage large Cisco Call Studio Scripts using Page and Page Connector
    • Chapter 24 - Creating Customized Parameter for Custom VoiceElement
    • Chapter 25 - Overview of Google Dialogflow and CVP Integration
    • Chapter 26 - Cisco CVP DialogFlow - Preparing Google Cloud For CVP Virtual Agent
  • Lab Guides
    1Lessons · 2 hr 40 min
  • Exams and Certifications
    2Lessons · 1 hr
    • Day 1 Assessment - Quiz
      10 xp
    • Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise