Cisco Webex Contact Center (2024-05)

Cisco Webex Contact Center (2024-05)

Elavate Your IT career with our Cisco Webex Contact Center Deployment Training Video. Learn to deploy, configure, and manage Webex solutions with expert-led tutorials. Ideal for IT pros seeking to master cloud contact center technology.

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1899.0 USD 1,899.00
Responsible Faisal H. Khan (CEO)
Last Update 06/30/2024
Completion Time 21 hours 29 minutes
Members 24
Platinum-X 2024
  • WxCC - Lectures
    30Lessons · 7 hr 11 min
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    • Chapter 06 - Cisco Webex Global Datacenter Deployment Overview
    • Chapter 07 - Overview of Cisco WebEx Partner Hub
    • Chapter 08 - Managing Control Hub from Customer Perspective
    • Chapter 09 - Setting up New Customer in Partner Hub for Contact Center
    • Chapter 10 - Cisco WebEx CC Tenant Provision Overview
    • Chapter 11 - Managing Agent, Skills, Skills profile and Multimedia Profile in WebExCC
    • Chapter 12 - Managing Entry Points and Queues Configurations
    • Chapter 13 - Managing Cisco WebEX CC Sites and Teams
    • Chapter 14 - Managing Users and Users Profile in Cisco WebEX CC
    • Chapter 15 - Managing Skills Definition and Skills Profile Attributes
    • Chapter 16 - Cisco WebEx CC - Flows
    • Chapter 17 - Managing Routing Strategy in Cisco WebEX CC
    • Chapter 18 - Overview and Configuration of Google DialogFlow Text to Speech for WxCC
    • Chapter 19 - Overview of Cisco WebEx Experience Management Platform
    • Chapter 20 - Creating My First Call Flow using Flow Designer in Cisco WxCC
    • Chapter 21 - Overview and Configuration of Cisco WebEx Routing Strategy
    • Chapter 22 - Overview of Tenant Management Portal
    • Chapter 23 - Overview of Agent Desktop
    • Chapter 24 - Overview of Cisco WxCC Analyzer
    • Chapter 25 - Integrating Cisco WxCC with Google CCAI DialogFlow
    • Chapter 26 - Overview of Google DialogFlow and Natural Language Processing
    • Chapter 27 - Creating Virtual Agent for Chat and Voice for WxCC
    • Chapter 28 - Overview of End to End Skills Profile Based on Customer Scenario
    • Chapter 29 - Detailed Overview of WebEx Scripting Flow Builder
    • Chapter 30 - Configuring Chat Capabilities in Cisco WxCC
  • WebEx Contact Center Administration Video Lab
    9Lessons · 1 hr 45 min
    • Lab 1 -Overview of WebEx Control Hub and User Management for WxCC
    • Lab 2 - Explore The Contact Center Management Portal and Control Hub
    • Lab 3 - Creating User Profile to Assign Rights to Agents and Users
    • Lab 4 - Creating Agent Profile to Control Features Available to Agent
    • Lab 5 - Creating Various Multimedia Profile for Agents
    • Lab 6 - Creating Skills Definition and Skills Group
    • Lab 7 - Create Sites and Capacity or Agent Base Teams
    • Lab 8 - Enabling WebEx User as Contact Center Agent and Supervisor
    • Lab 9 - Creating Entry Point, Dial Number and Queue
  • WebEx Contact Center Scripting - Flow Designer
    9Lessons · 3 hr 18 min
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    • Lab 3 - Creating WxCC Flow Using Play Message with Static Audio and Google TTS
    • Lab 4 - Creating WxCC Flow using Collect Digit Activities
    • Lab 5 - Creating WxCC Flow Using Menu Activity to build IVR Application
    • Lab 6 - Creating WxCC Flow Using Blind Transfer Activity
    • Lab 7 - Creating WxCC Flow Using Queue Contact Activity
    • lab 8 - Creating WxCC using Get Queue Info and Build Queue Loop
    • Lab 9 - Creating WxCC Flow Using Advanced Queue Info Activities
  • Lab Resources
    1Lessons · 8 hr 45 min
    • WebEx Contact Center Lab Guide
  • Exams and Certificate
    1Lessons · 30 min
    • Cisco WebEx Contact Center Expert